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Các thông tin về học bổng. Học bổng Eramus 2008

Chủ đề trong 'Bắc Âu' bởi boxwehn, 17/11/2005.

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  1. boxwehn

    boxwehn Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Cơ hội tham gia diễn đàn sinh viên thế giới tại Na Uy ¨
    Thứ Hai, 01/05/2006
    TTO - ISFIT 2007, một diễn đàn hàng đầu của sinh viên thế giới tại thành phố Trondheim, Na Uy vừa thông báo tuyển chọn 350 sinh viên trên toàn thế giới tham dự diễn đàn từ ngày 16-2 đến 25-2-2007.
    Chủ đề năm 2007 sẽ là Global Boundaries (Giới hạn toàn cầu), hy vọng sẽ là sân chơi đầy bổ ích cho sinh viên đến từ hơn 100 quốc gia. Diễn đàn sẽ thảo luận các chủ đề như:
    - Bản sắc toàn cầu: định nghĩa về văn hoá
    - Vấn đề đạo đức thời toàn cầu hoá
    - Truyền thông toàn cầu
    Điều kiện tham dự chương trình:
    - Là sinh viên bậc đại học
    - Không phân biệt tuổi, chuyên ngành, hệ đào tạo
    - Thành thạo tiếng Anh
    - Tham gia dự tuyển qua viết luận
    Ứng viên quan tâm, xin nộp hồ sơ online tại:
    Hạn chót nộp đơn: ngày 20-9-2006.
    BÁ CHÍNH (Melbourne)
  2. uppboy

    uppboy Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Ph.D. student and Post Doc Positions, UPPSALA UNIVERSITY.
    (Tools for Construction and Verification of Embedded Software )
    Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University
    invites applicants for one post doc and one Ph.D. position.
    The positions will be partially supported by an EC project associated
    with the research group on timed systems (i.e., the UPPAAL group:
    http://www.it.uu.se/research/group/darts ). Within the project,
    there is a possibility to conduct top-class research in theoretical models,
    methods, languages and tools for the design and verification of embedded software in collaboration with national and international research groups.
    The candidates should be well-motivated in conducting original highly
    competitive research, publishing the results in top conferences
    and scientific journals, and participating in teaching duties. Maturity,
    self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a
    team member in local and international research teams are expected.
    For the Ph.D. position, a M.Sc. (or equivalent) in computer science or
    related fields is required, and it is expected that a PhD thesis is
    written and defended within 4-5 years. For the Post doc position,
    the candidates must have a Ph.D. and a research record in related areas.
    Applications may be sent via email or by post. They must contain (1)
    a statement of interest, (2) a CV, (3) the names of two references and
    (4) ad***ional documents, in particular copies of degree certificates,
    and the associated scores.
    Application deadline is July 1, 2006.
    The application should be addressed to Department of Information
    Technology, Wang Yi, Box 337, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden.
    For ad***ional information on research activities within the
    department, please see the department web: http://www.it.uu.se/ or
    contact Wang Yi, phone +46 18 471 3110, web: http://user.it.uu.se/~yi/.
    For more general information about graduate studies and con***ions for
    Ph.D. students, please contact the director of graduate studies:
    Bernhard Mẳller, Bernhard.Muller@it.uu.se.
  3. uppboy

    uppboy Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Post Doc position in Grid Computing:
    Announcement of a postdoc position at the Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics at Uppsala University
    Grid middleware development within the KnowARC project
    The Grid technology to connect and use computer resources nationwide and worldwide has rapidly evolved over the past few years from an academic exercise to a solid solution to computational problems worked on by large and geographically distributed teams of users. Grid-based solutions are becoming critical tools for worldwide collaborations in science and technology, allowing their members to communicate and cooperate securely and reliably. While widely accepted technology standards are still in the process of being defined, several Grid solutions are already offering reliable services.
    The KnowARC project aspires to improve and extend the existing state-of-the-art technology of the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware, which provides a set of reliable, robust, non-intrusive, well-tested core services. KnowARC aims to significantly increase awareness and usage of the next generation ARC middleware. The resulting high performance and popular Grid solution will increase productivity in many areas of human activities through efficient resource and expert know-how sharing. ARC focuses on intensive computational tasks and associated security and data handling issues, and since it is powerful and efficient, yet simple to deploy, maintain and use, the KnowARC solution is expected to become widely accepted.
    The KnowARC project is funded by EU framework programme 6 and brings together partners from Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland.
    A postdoc position at the Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics at Uppsala University with the task to develop further the ARC middleware within the KnowARC project is hereby announced. The successful applicant will work together with the Uppsala Grid Group which have members from both the Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics and the Department of Information Technology as well as with colleagues form other partners in the KnowARC project.
    The position is offered for the period 2006-10-01 to 2007-12-31 with a possible extension to 2009-05-31. The task is to develop grid middleware within the KnowARC project.
    More information about the position is given by Prof. Tord Ekelảf, phone +46 18 471 38 47 or +46 70 425 02 10 and Mattias Ellert, phone +46 18 471 32 58 or +46 70 425 05 45.
    A motivated application letter accompanied by a CV and exam certificates with marks should be sent to Inger Ericson, Uppsala University, Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Box 535, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden, or sent by fax to +46 18 471 35 13, no later than 2006-08-31.
  4. boxwehn

    boxwehn Thành viên mới

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    Đã được thích:

    The Masterâ?Ts program in Public Administration (MPA)
    The Masterâ?Ts program in Public Administration (MPA) at Roskilde provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholarship in the fields of politics, globalization and international political economy.

  5. boxwehn

    boxwehn Thành viên mới

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    Đã được thích:
    Học bổng Eramus của các trường Thụy Điển
    Thông tin thêm về học bổng Eramus
  6. uppboy

    uppboy Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Mời các bạn tham khảo bên dưới đây. Ngành học này ở Uppsala rất mạnh.
    PhD positions in Scientific Computing
    The Division of Scientific Computing at the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, is announcing PhD student positions.
    The Scientific Computing field covers development, analysis and implementation of computational algorithms aimed at simulating and modelling technical and scientific systems. Our research spans from numerical analysis to computational science and engineering applications. The division hosts the Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science, UPPMAX, which contributes with high performance computer resources and expertise in application fields. Many research projects are performed in collaboration with leading national or international partners(e.g. KTH, Stanford, Brown, ETH). Examples of problem classes studied are numerical solution of partial differential equations, optimization, and high performance computing algorithms and implementations. Examples of application fields considered are fluid flow, materials science, molecular biology, genetics, financial mathematics, and acoustics.
    We are now looking for PhD students in the following areas (more detailed descriptions of the projects are available by clicking the titles):
    1 Computational genetics - genetic dissection of complex traits. Important traits in animal and plants are regulated by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. In this interdisciplinary project we develop numerical methods and software that facilitate in-depth explorations of the genetic basis of these complex traits. More info: Sverker Holmgren and -rjan Carlborg (Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics).
    2 Simulation of quantum molecular dynamics. Chemical reactions involving a few particles can be studied using quantum molecular dynamics, QMD. In this collaborative project accurate and efficient numerical methods for QMD applications are developed and implemented on high performance computers. More info: Sverker Holmgren and Hans Karlsson (Quantum Chemistry).
    3 Numerical methods for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Accurate QMD simulations exploit high-order spatial and temporal discretizations and special boundary con***ions for the time-dependent Schrödinger equations. Such schemes are developed and analyzed. More info: Gunilla Kreiss and Sverker Holmgren.
    4 Multiscale methods in combustion. Combustion is a complicated process involving fluid flow and chemistry and is of vital importance for our energy production. Combustion problems with many different scales in space and time will be modelled and solved by accurate numerical methods. More info: Bernhard Muller and Per Lötstedt.
    5 Simulation of multi-phase flow problems. An example of a two phase system is oil droplets in water. The project includes modelling, analysis, and development of efficient numerical methods. More info: Gunilla Kreiss.
    6 Management of scientific data in GRID systems. Grid technologies, used to connect geographically distributed computer resources, are becoming critical tools for worldwide collaborations in science and technology. In this collaborative project data management needs in a grid environment are investigated and optimized solutions for these needs are developed and tested in the framework of the ARC middleware. More info: Sverker Holmgren and Tord Ekelöf (Nuclear and Particle Physics).
    The applicant should have good knowledge of, and an interest in mathematics, programming, and preferably also one or more relevant application areas. Most of our PhD students have an MSc degree in e.g. Engineering Physics or Applied Mathematics, but other backgrounds may also be suitable for some of the projects, see the detailed project descriptions. The ability to learn and understand new subject areas should be demonstrated by grades or equivalent means. Applicants who in the next few months will finish his/her MSc degree will also be considered in the evaluation process. A strong selection criterion is the candidate''s expected ability to complete his/her PhD studies on time.
    The PhD position is for a maximum of five years including 20% department duties (typically teaching). The starting date can be discussed.
    For more information, please contact one of the above project leaders, or Tom Smedsaas .
    Uppsala University is striving to achieve a more even gender balance in its research and women are especially invited to apply for these positions.
    The application should contain a letter where the applicant describes himself/herself, his/her qualifications, and interests. It should also contain a Curriculum Vitae, copies of relevant grades, and copies of the applicant''s Master''s thesis or an outline thereof, and other publications.
    The application should be sent to: Registrator, UFV-PA 2006/2395, Uppsala universitet, Box 256, 751 05 UPPSALA
    Deadline for application is 2006-11-15.
  7. HomangSimi

    HomangSimi Thành viên quen thuộc

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Copy cái mail lên đây cho các bạn biết về hội thảo này nhé
    Kinh gui cac ban sinh vien va giao vien
    Phai doan UB Chau au tai Vietnam se to chuc Ngay Hoi Thong tin ve Chuong trinh hoc bong Erasmus Mundus lan thu hai gioi thieu Hoc bong cho cac Chuong trinh Dao tao Thac si tai Chau au 2007-2008. Chuong trinh se dien ra :
    09.30 ?" 11.30, ngay 30 thang 10 nam 2006
    Phong hop, Tang 2, Nha 10,
    Dai hoc Kinh te Quoc dan, 207 Duong Giai Phong
    Xin kinh moi cac ban sinh vien va giao vien quan tam toi tham du
    Kinh thu
    Press, Information and Culture Officer
    European Union
    Delegation of the European Commission to Vietnam
    This is an informal communication, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Delegation of the European Commission to Vietnam, nor the position of the European Commission
  8. salamanca

    salamanca Thành viên mới

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    Đã được thích:
    Hoc bong Master in Space Studies: co nhieu suat hoc bong cho cac nuoc dang phat trien, trong do co Vietnam.
    Thong tin chi tiet tham khao o day: www.spacemaster.se
  9. salamanca

    salamanca Thành viên mới

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    Đã được thích:

    The Sauvé Scholars Program was established in November 2002 by the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation. The Program is a unique opportunity for highly motivated people of demonstrated leadership potential, who are under the age of thirty. They come to Montreal where they have an opportunity to enlarge upon their understanding of the state of the world and their potential in making positive change to it.
    Under the terms of an agreement with McGill University, the Scholars are given open-door access to all courses and programs at McGill. Scholars au*** whatever classes they wish. However they do not write exams nor do they earn academic cre***s.
    Each scholarship is worth approximately $30,000CDN. It includes the cost of transportation to and from Montreal, food and lodging while here, group excursions and certain other expenses.
    The scholars reside together in the Sauvé Residence, a converted house that is a ten minute walk from the main McGill Campus. Each scholar is assigned a private bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. The house is wired for internet access, has a fully equipped kitchen, dining area, washing facilities, video equipment, computers, and meeting rooms.
    Scholars are expected to attend, participate in and organize seminars and meetings with each other, as well as attend seminars, meetings and conferences in and outside Montreal.
    This year?Ts Scholars come from Uganda, USA, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Australia, Brazil., Israel, Kenya, and Nepal. To date 45 scholarships have been awarded to Scholars from 37different countries.
    Complete application forms must be received by December 31, 2006.
    For information on the Program, how to apply and for profiles on the present Scholars, events and selected publications, please go to our website: www.sauvescholars.org.
    For further information with respect to applications please contact:
    James G. Wright,
    Executive Director
    Sauvé Scholars Foundation
    1514 Doctor Penfield Avenue
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1B9
    Fax: 514-848-9409
    Email: james.wright@sauvescholars.org
    The Program seeks highly-motivated candidates who have completed their undergraduate education, or the equivalent, but who have not necessarily attained an advanced degree. Focusing on the unrealized potential of their youth, but with a solid academic or experiential foundation, candidates should be under thirty years of age.
    Candidates will be expected to have a solid academic record, and while attending university, to have taken an active role in campus life as a student organizer or leader, or have taken an active role in the community.
    Successful candidates are committed leaders in their professions and in their communities. They demonstrate a track record of success, a skill for communication and an eagerness to engage with the complex issues of the day.
    Past Scholars have come from a wide range of disciplines such as journalism, communications, the arts, economics, and social and community development.
    Candidates are encouraged to provide the Foundation with proof of their leadership initiatives to date through media reports or third party commentaries.
  10. boxwehn

    boxwehn Thành viên mới

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    Đã được thích:
    Học Bổng Tiến Sĩ Toàn Phần Tại Na Uy
    Lao Động số 6 Ngày 08/01/2007

    (LĐ) - ĐH Khoa học và Công nghệ Na Uy, TP.Trondheim thông báo cấp 8 suất học bổng tiến sĩ toàn phần chuyên ngành lượng hoá chất lượng dịch vụ viễn thông tại trường.
    Học bổng toàn phần gồm học phí và sinh hoạt phí, trị giá tổng cộng NOK 310.500 - 418.200/năm (khoảng 50.300 - 67.748USD/năm), chưa tính thuế thu nhập. Chương trình bắt đầu từ tháng 3.2007, kéo dài trong bốn năm.
    Yêu cầu: Có bằng cử nhân khá/giỏi và thạc sĩ trở lên các ngành viễn thông; thành thạo tiếng Anh; kinh nghiệm làm việc/nghiên cứu. Thông tin về chương trình, xin gửi sơ yếu lý lịch chi tiết, về: Giáo sư Svein J. Knapskog, ĐH Khoa học và Kỹ thuật Na Uy. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), địa chỉ tại:
    O.S. Bragstads plass 2E, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway hoặc liên lạc qua email: knapskog@q2s.ntnu.no.
    Hạn cuối nộp hồ sơ: 15.1.2007.

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