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Chủ đề trong 'Kiến Trúc' bởi wegotjam, 18/01/2004.

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  1. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    E-city: Education, Environment, Economy, Electrical city
    Tam dịch: thành phố của tương lai, thành phố luôn có sự ràng buộc, liên kết, hòa hợp với những thành phần cấu tạo cơ bản của thành phố. Trong đó:
    Education: đại diên cho văn hóa, kiến thức, lịch sử
    Environment: đại diện cho xã hội, con người, và môi trường.
    Economy: đại diện cho kinh tế, chính trị, đối lưu
    Electrical: đại diện cho nền văn minh, phương tiện, ( truyền thông, giao thông, công cộng, dịch vu., v.v.v)
    Từ những yếu tố cơ bản này, E-city được hình thành. 
    E-city: the term ?~e-city?T identifies a broad spectrum of ideas and objectives that are grouped under the arc of a new meaning of the urban and a new ambition to redefine the city as we know it. The contemporary of these architectural investigations is found in their determination to favor an intense interchange between architecture and other spheres of knowledge, of action. The city is understood as a frame work and situation that favors this active set of relationships.
    E-city is built on the basis of the new relationship with space, new meanings of the public domain, multi-faceted questions about sustainability and capacity of the emergent technologies to reform our cities

  2. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:

    The twenty-first century will wee an inversion of the process that began during the Renaissance, in which men and women began to gather together in cities to live.
    The development of physical transport net works (car, train, and plane) and telemetric networks means that nay point on the planet ?" city and country - is suitable for liking and working. Motorways cress-cross territory modified by main using agriculture or border natural spaces that are now the green areas of inhabited territory. These motorways are the avenues of a new city that has no limits.
    They are constructed in the landscape by making a section of the each and displaying its internal nature.
    The streets no linger run between facades, but between stratified masses. Man has ?~urbanized?T the territory by means of agriculture for centuries now, creating irrigation systems and plating crops in keeping with the laws of geometry.
    Hê?Ts has denaturalized natural spaces by planting natural elements. The spacing of the carious trees and plants depends both on the size of the crop itself and on the harvesting systems used. Each crop produces its own texture and colour upon the territory.
    In mountainous terrain, shops have been turned into finite elements by the construction of terraces. In harsh climates, green houses can be used to overcome the specific con***ions of places with the creation of light-weight constructions containing microclimates imported from other latitudes.
    Agriculture is being industrialized.
    The landscape is being urbanized.
    The spectacle of nature and that of the city are now comparable.
    Represented in this way, nature can now be reconstructed by man. The world is turning in to a habitable environment, in to the city of 1,000 geographies
    The limits in the city multiply, and yet it is not so clear that this physical reality serves to catalogue the real city. Center, outer walls, peripheries, earth, water, area, profun***y, skin, interior serve to explain the physical events of the contemporary city
  3. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Density is the quantity and quality of simultaneous and/or mixed space(s) â?" and use(s) â?" available per person.
    â?oThe proportionately high development density expresses the concentration of urban life, satisfying the legitimate claim to urbanity, experimental value, intimacy and attractiveness. Density is the cityâ?Ts third dimension. Density is a critical tool, linked as much to the dimensions and disposition of the urban plan as to the traffic flows evoked by the untold relations between parts of the city. By processing density, the city is shaped in plan and section and its areas and individual buildings fixed.â?
    (TILMAN, Harm, â?oWhen dense, when life?â?  in MVRDV,  Farmax. Excursions on density, 1998)
  4. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    No-day (night and day)
    No- day is the dicouse of the nocturnal city that also helps transform architecture''s structure of interior and exterior pace. Difference are produced above all by disintergration, foreign to any composite hierarchy between plans and sections. The space of the noctornal city is a new space that, as such, makes suggestions to design, and thus constitutes a reference for architecture. In any event, no-day does not leave off being a fictional space, cheated by the signs and the dematerialzations, and technical modifications, without disturbing its essential order.
    xin quí vị bàn thêm

  5. hot_heart

    hot_heart Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Hay lắm bạn hiền à !
    Chắc chắn là topic này rất hữu ích, đặc biệt là đối với tôi.
  6. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Shadow & Light
    Shadow & Light is a dual reality, the hypertrophy of a double sensation: there can be ****rnous, dark, soft, humid, sensorial, smelling mushroom on one part of the building; and crystaline, cold, luminous, dry, technological on the other part. And this can be used like an individual zapping of perception

  7. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    For the avant-garde, the relation between space and the glance often consisted in placing a space of mediation between themselves and the work, in front of which they were immobilized. Those wakes of shadows with which Louis Kahn surrounded his buildings, the difficulty of reaching Loô?Ts houses, and the enormous distances that Le Corbusier linked the horizon of his works, explain clearly this concept.
    Many of the projects we are now planning eliminate the intermediary terrain that previously was no-man?Ts lands, in which the exterior void was the idea from which to relate ground and figure. In these proposals, we are not facing the object, the work, but rather we feel wrapped in it, as though it were our shadow.

  8. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Tạm dịch: trám chỗ, lấp đầy, ...
    As a result of the density of events to which space has been submitted, at times only minimally available, the adventure of space in architecture is centered on what is left when we have filled everything. We are left with no other remedy than to look behind and take architecture by surprise. The space of the ?omold? is a good analogy.
    This notion that provokes architecture installs itself in those places; where architecture hardly rests, linking and provoking unsuspecting landscapes as new places of interchange between subjects.
    But without a doubt, what most interests us are theses kind of spaces to investigate, that result in the unlikely sum of programs in an ample sense and that offers us a singular ?ofilled? space.

    Bàn Thêm: Đây là ý tưởng đã được biết đến từ lâu. Nhưng vẫn là vấn đề được thảo luận thường xuyên ở nhiều nơi từ trường học cho đến offices. Các bạn nên nghiên cứu kĩ về đề tài này...bởi vì nó rất có lợi cho những môi trường kiến trúc như VN, đặc biệt là ở những thành phố.
    Xin qúi vị bàn thêm
  9. gacon1

    gacon1 Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    ======HỌC TIẾNG TRUNG VỚI CHUYÊN GIA TRUNG QUỐC 0912301381/8636528==========
  10. wegotjam

    wegotjam Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Chào qúi vị, đi chơi lòng vòng, về vn chơi....cho nên không có thời gian để có thể viết ....
    Từ mới, hihihi
    "Architecture must be passionate."
    (DEBORD, Guy: FILLON, Jacques, "Resumen 1954", Potlatch 14)

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