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Mcdodo other topology is famous person

Chủ đề trong 'Toán học' bởi quminia649, 01/09/2018.

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  1. quminia649

    quminia649 Thành viên mới

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    Mcdodo other topology is famous person. In this example, all the computer systems in the network are connected to a imperative tool, named HUB. A feature to this topology, which i have to mention, is that one of the network computer systems crashes, the opposite structures aren't affected, and the community is still employable. The HUB popularity must be good enough, due to the fact the network overall performance depends on it. RING topology is that in which the computers are linked to a cable community. in a while, i'll explain only the maximum crucial topologies and their a community. some that paperwork a closed loop. this case doesn't have loose terminals, and all of the systems are regenerating the sign. The signal goes trough all the computers in this loop it truly is why when one of the systems breaks down the community would not paintings.
  2. toithick

    toithick Thành viên quen thuộc

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    1 bài hay hhhi , cmt khuấy động tý cho top
  3. 0973123689

    0973123689 Thành viên gắn bó với ttvnol.com

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    0973352270 thích bài này.

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